Geometry asset
Imports a geometry asset.
preload asset
- Sets whether to load the output geometry asset on graph load or not.
asset uri
- The asset URI (as a string value) that defines what uploaded geometry asset to output. See Assets for more information.
use OBJ groups
- Sets whether the output geometry asset utilizes OBJ groups as separate primitives or not (this is only relevant if the geometry asset is of the Wavefront OBJ file format).
- Output primitives.
- The list of points of the output primitives.
- The list of x values of the points of the output primitives.
- The list of y values of the points of the output primitives.
- The list of z values of the points of the output primitives.
asset uri
- The asset URI of the uploaded geometry asset as defined by the asset uri input (as a string value). See Assets for more information.
asset name
- The name of the uploaded geometry asset (as a string value).
- Geometry can be uploaded by dragging and dropping the file into the graph viewer.
- Trimble Creator supports following geometry file formats for import, with noted limitations:
- TrimBIM (.trb)
- NURBS curves (126), patches (128), polylines (106) - no trimmed patches.
- Wavefront OBJ
- Vertices, faces, groups, but no normals, nor UVs.
- Polyline entity type only.
- Other names for this node include: GeometryAsset, Geometry, Load, OBJ, IGES, IGS, STL, DXF, and TrimBIM.