
Calculates the results of the written expression.


  • expression

    • The string value to define the expression to calculate.
  • a

    • The value that is used to define “a” in the expression input.
  • b

    • The value that is used to define “b” in the expression input.
  • c

    • The value that is used to define “c” in the expression input.
  • d

    • The value that is used to define “d” in the expression input.
  • x

    • The value that is used to define “x” in the expression input.
  • y

    • The value that is used to define “y” in the expression input.
  • z

    • The value that is used to define “z” in the expression input.
  • w

    • The value that is used to define “w” in the expression input.


  • result

    • The result of the calculation as defined by the expression input.
  • result list

    • The list of results of the calculation as defined by the expression input.


  • The list of possible operations that can be performed by this node are as follows:

    • +, -, *, /, \, %, >, <, =>, =<, ==, =!, &&, ||, &, |, =^, **, ?:, min, max, sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, atan2, sinh, cosh, tanh, round, ceil, floor, trunc, sqrt, pow, exp, log, log10, abs, sign, pi.
  • Other names for this node include: ExpressionParser, Expression parser, and Formula.
