
Creates a circle.


  • type

    • Sets the type of circle to output. These are NURBS curve, polyline, and mesh.
  • center

    • The vector value that defines the center of the output circle.
  • orientation

    • Sets the plane in which the output circle is orientated. These are XZ, YZ, and XY.
  • radius

    • The value that defines the radius of the output circle.
  • segments

    • The value that defines how many segments the output circle has.
  • start angle

    • The value that defines the starting angle of the output circle.
  • end angle

    • The value that defines the ending angle of the output circle.


  • geometry

    • Output circle primitives.
  • points

    • The list of points of the output primitives.
  • points.x

    • The list of x values of the points of the output primitives.
  • points.y

    • The list of y values of the points of the output primitives.
  • points.z

    • The list of z values of the points of the output primitives.


  • Only the polyline and mesh settings on the type input have the segments, start angle, and end angle inputs.

    • Adjusting the start angle and end angle inputs will create an arc/semicircle.
  • A mesh circle is unwelded by default (between start angle and end angle.).

  • The segments input can be used to make any regular polygon (triangle, quadrilateral, pentagon, etc.).

  • Other names for this node include: CircleV2 and Arc.
