NURBS surface

A NURBS surface is a primitive representing a 3D NURBS surface. A NURBS surface always has a rectangular topology, with coordinates in two axes: U and V values varying between 0 and 1.

NURBS curves and surfaces lend themselves well to parametric modeling applications. For example, one can easily extract a NURBS curve from a NURBS surface's particular U or V value, or create a NURBS surface from several NURBS curves.

A NURBS surface has following notable properties:

  • control points: a list of 3D vectors representing the 3D coordinates of the points that define the surfaces's mathematical spline function.
  • order (in both U and V direction): a positive integer defining the number of nearby control points that influence any given point on the surface in U or V direction. Practically: the higher the number, the smoother the surface. Order 2 effectively makes the surface faceted.